Category: Work
Which companies are actually selling holidays online?
What does selling holidays online really mean? How can we understand if a company actually allows it and to which extent, even in a particular situation such as the current one? When an online travel consultant is asked about their favourite part of this job, the answer almost always revolves around two concepts: –…
Selling holidays at the time of the coronavirus: the current situation
These days, the news about the coronavirus (and the spread of fake news) is deeply affecting the travel industry. As usual, it is important not to give in to despair, but to face this crisis with preparation and rationality. These are very hectic days for everyone as the world struggles with the discovery of coronavirus.…
All the new Evolution Travel’s products in 2019
2019 was a year full of news for Evolution Travel’s customers: many new products for unique and exciting itineraries! Here are the new portals and the online travel consultants who manage them with their “stories” about all the work done to launch the projects. At Evolution Travel we never stop working to offer the best…
New Booking Engine for Evolution Travel
Great news for Evolution Travel in 2020: a new Booking Engine. What is it? How will it help online travel consultants? What are its advantages? First Article of the New Year: great news already from Evolution Travel! Our Booking Engine is now ready. The tool that will completely revolutionise the job of the online travel…
Chatbots, what is so special about them?
They are known as Chatbots, they have existed for more than 20 years but lately they are becoming increasingly popular, why? How can we take advantage of them? How will they evolve in the future? Chatbot is the combination of two words: chat + bot. So, what is a BOT? Bot is just the abbreviation…
Barcelona’s 2019 Convention: the joy of learning!
Here we are, just back from Barcelona’s 2019 Convention. An extraordinary event full of training, meetings, happiness, harmony. As always, the people in our Network gathered with great enthusiasm for the most important event of the year! Training: good, intense, useful. Smiles: warm, sincere, humane. The slightly timid behaviour of the Consultants attending their…
Evolution Travel’s new professionals and products: PRPs 2018/2019
People who want to grow in Evolution Travel are given the opportunity to pursue all their projects and ambitions. A fact that is demonstrated by the incredible number of travel products and destinations followed by our new Product Promoters: here is a list of who they are and what they do. One of the most…
Evolution Travel 2019 Convention will be on…
Evolution Travel 2019 Convention will be on… When is the best network of online Travel Consultants going to get together? We already have a destination: Barcelona… Log in and discover the details! We had been talking about it for some time, it only needed to be made official. Evolution Travel has just announced the date…
What the experience at the ETF2019 meant for us
We came back from ETF2019 greatly enriched: with new knowledge, energy and tools to work better and to grow, especially as people with a passion. Now, we are going to tell you about our experience at the event, what it meant for us and why this training weekend was so special. 2 and 3 march…
The Online Travel Consultant in the spotlight at BIT 2019
At the 2019 edition of the BIT of Milan, the profession of the Online Travel Consultant was the centre of attention during a very interesting morning. Evolution Travel happily accepted the invitation of the organisers to talk about the activity of selling holidays online and the 3 most common mistakes in this profession. Included in…