Do you need experience to become an online Travel Consultant?

Do you need to have had previous experience in tourism to become an online travel consultant?

Not all those who dream of living for travelling have ever worked in tourism. These are the people that ask themselves if they will be able to become an online Travel Consultant or not albeit being strongly motivated.

The answer is yes as long as you have the necessary training.

It is not necessary to have already worked or have opened a main street travel agency: this is undoubtedly useful but it is not an essential requirement.
The important thing is to prepare yourself to acquire the necessary technical-touristic competence to start off.

Many people know how to organise a trip for themselves, for friends and family: they do it out of passion and “talent” and therefore think they can put this ability to fruit.

Enthusiasm and an eye for good solutions are certainly excellent qualities but to be able to work in this field you must have a solid foundation.
Clients invest money in “projects of happiness” and in dream of trips they have always longed for.
You have the responsibility of making people move from one side of the world to another, through reasoned choices.
Therefore, you must be serious and trained.

When you set off to become an online Travel Consultant it is absolutely necessary to take all the basic courses, held by a long term coach-consultant.
You will learn the technical-touristic notions you need to carry out this activity thanks to these intense days of courses.
You will study the normative system to fully understand the characteristics and responsibilities of this professional figure.

The basic course helps you to start:

  • developing the necessary competence to carry out this profession;
  • stimulating your ability to interact with people and with potential clients;
  • enabling you to use all the instruments available from Evolution Travel correctly for your daily work;
  • overcoming doubts and uncertainties thanks to trained coaches with great expertise;
  • beginning to work with your first requests, directly from the schoolroom with the aid of your coach.


This is how you begin to become a fully-fledged online Travel Consultant: by aiming at competence and know-how.
This is the great value you can transmit to your clients.

The basic course is only the first step in this professional career enriched by continuous formative stimuli, freely granted by Evolution Travel: for example, the courses in streaming can give you web marketing basics, in-depth knowledge of destinations and products, accountancy notions so that you can immediately find out what your earnings are, etc.

There are many options to help you grow professionally and personally as an online Travel Consultant: various meetings in different parts of Italy to work and learn with other colleagues; 30 minute chats to clear small doubts; customised coaching sessions for specific needs, etc.

Of course, those who have managed a traditional travel agency – or has worked in one – already has some experience and valid know-how.
However, even those who have worked in completely different fields can quickly catch up thanks to formation.

by Stefania Bochicchio






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