Training for Travel Consultants: what we offer

One of the pillars of Evolution Travel is the training we provide. Selling holidays is a business which requires preparation, professionalism and a combination of knowledge and experience. Training is provided continuously on a daily basis and in various ways. It is offered to everyone: to those who have just started and to those who have been a Travel Consultant for years.

Training forms the basis for any successful growth: professional and personal.
Learning and improving is the key to obtaining always better results.
It is nothing new: this has always been one of Evolution Travel’s fundamental principles.

Our online Travel Consultants can participate in a variety of training activities every day related to various aspects of their work:

  • information on travel destinations and products;
  • technical-tourism subjects;
  • marketing, web marketing, copywriting and social media topics;
  • personal growth;
  • customer relationship management;
  • relationships with Tour Operators and suppliers;
  • administrative, legal and insurance issues
  • etc…

At Evolution Travel we always introduce new ways to enrich the quality of our training considering how the needs of travellers change, paying attention to any new technological innovations which could improve the quality of our work and in particular to the needs of the Consultants themselves.

Do some consultants want to learn more about a marketing topic?
Or talk more about a specific destination?

The training department will help them by creating new training courses.

With which method?


1) E-learning

About 2 to 4 e-learning classes are scheduled for the Network every day. It means a minimum of 10 per week for a total of more than 500 hours per year!

They are live streaming courses held by expert trainers.
The trainer could be a Consultant and Product Promoter, an expert member of Evolution Travel staff, an external trainer (e.g., the manager of a tour operator or an airline company, etc…).

Online travel consultants can then connect to the online platform used to transmit the live broadcast. Thanks to the live chat, they are able to interact with the trainer and the other participants, asking questions and receiving answers immediately.

Each e-learning session is recorded to give the opportunity to watch it later to those who cannot attend the live streaming. Or perhaps to be reviewed by those who want to learn more about some specific concept.
And it is all completely free for the online Travel Consultants.


2) 30-minute chats

This is the simplest and most practical option.
Just a 30-minute live chat with an expert. The consultants get immediate replies.
This way the consultants can get an answer to their questions in a very quick and direct way.
How many 30-minute chat sessions are arranged each week? At least 5, all free.


3) Open Days

Here they are, the Open Days: the most-awaited live events where everyone has the opportunity to work together, learn and have great fun!
These events are held every year in different Italian cities; normally about ten open days are scheduled every year but there are big plans for the 2019-2020 program to increase the number of dates and give more and more consultants the opportunity to participate in all parts of Italy!

Open days are unique: it is there that you often have the opportunity to meet your colleagues for the first time!
It is a day full of energy, positive “tension”, expectations, knowledge, friendship and fun!
You have to be there!


4) Educational – Fam Trips

Is there anything better than learning concepts and new notions directly on the place that you are going to study?
Educational or fam trips are trips reserved for travel consultants and people who work in the travel industry; usually, they are organised by tour operators to let travel professionals try different hotels, excursions, restaurants, services, etc.
This way, they can have first-hand experience of what they will then offer to customers.
It means travelling is part of your training!
Can you think of anything more exciting for people who have an innate love for travelling such as Evolution Travel Consultants?!


5) Annual Convention

Everyone in the Network, from back-office professionals to Consultants, looks forward to the Convention!
For us, it’s like “New Year’s Eve”, the time to be all together and analyse the previous year, train, work, look at future scenarios and… share a hug!
You can’t miss it! It is always a great occasion, the most important event of the year.
In the last years, a different foreign city has been chosen each year as the location of our convention, a fact which has contributed to making it even more exciting and international!
Exactly: another opportunity to travel and work at the same time!

How much would a professional spend if he wanted to train independently?
Not just in terms of money but also thinking of the time spent choosing the “best” routes for themselves… trying not to waste time and money in pointless or useless courses.

And probably he would also have to travel, take a few days of leave, spend more money.

Training with Evolution Travel is the key to success because it is:

  • almost always provided free of charge (with the exception of some live meetings)
  • constant
  • organised in a targeted manner
  • easily available thanks to the technologies and tools provided.


Without forgetting the importance of human relations: the bond which drives us, stimulates us, gives us new ideas and energy to grow in this profession!

By Stefania Bochicchio






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