What’s the story behind “Travel Consultants and the Blockchain”?

The book “Travel Consultants and the Blockchain” has just been released: a vision of the future written by Luca Baldisserotto and Stefania Bochicchio of Evolution Travel. Here’s where you can buy it, what it’s about and why it was written.

The book by Luca Baldisserotto and Stefania Bochicchio, “Travel Consultants and the Blockchain”, was released on Amazon.it on Thursday 6 September, 2018.

Published by Evolution Travel independently across all Amazon platforms, the book is also available in English both in digital form (e-book) and as a paper book in all international stores of the e-commerce titan.

Today’s post will particularly focus on my personal annotations when the idea of publishing this book started to develop.

I’m Stefania Bochicchio, content manager of Evolution Travel and co-author of the book together with Luca Baldisserotto, co-founder of Evolution Travel.

We got the idea of writing this book last spring: Luca thought it was the right time to talk again about online travel consultants.
His first book – Vendere viaggi da casa. Internet e i consulenti di viaggio online – was published in 2010: many things have changed since then.

The continuous advances in technology have made it possible for our travel professionals to have more and better tools for finding customers, providing advice and selling tourism products.

Also: for a while, Evolution Travel has been carrying out a process of global review of the technological tools provided to the Consultants in order to provide increasingly streamlined and performing solutions.
Soon, we will release a new version of the online agency (which can be defined as the virtual “office” of our promoters) and we are also working on a larger project: the creation of an ecosystem in the blockchain.

When Luca Baldisserotto asked me to write a book together to describe the role of the travel consultant at the time of the blockchain, I was undoubtedly interested but I also knew it was going to be a challenge.

Describing a vision – that it’s already taking shape – is not simple.
The urge to make our consultants known to everyone was stronger.

An online travel consultant is a professional who is aware of the important role of technology, who knows the many technological tools available today and knows how to use them to work effectively.
Highlighting these features is important.

We think it’s important that people know that Evolution Travel continues to be ahead of its time, it doesn’t stand idle but, instead, it is one of the main promoters of a technological revolution that will see an expansion in the coming years.

Technology evolves at an unprecedented speed.
So, while many companies are still dealing with concepts like e-commerce and social media presence, Evolution Travel is taking a new step forward.
It presents its vision of the tourism distribution in the blockchain.


Actually, it is more than just a vision, it is Evolution Travel’s natural development, a company that has innovation and futuristic inspiration as its pillars.

We are already working on the creation and presentation of an ecosystem in the blockchain.
The most important aspect of this innovation will be the construction of a booking engine which initially will be centralised and then decentralised in the blockchain.

The objective is to create a simplified offer for tourists, accessible through a web portal on which they can create package holidays in an economic and personalised way.

The fundamental and irreplaceable constituents of this innovation will always be the same: the human element.
No search engine or online comparator will ever be able to offer people looking for a travel solution the same services and advice that only the expertise of an online travel consultant can guarantee.

While the travel consultant can take advantage of the fluidity and completeness of this ecosystem, at the same time more sophisticated travellers will be able to organise their holidays by themselves.

The advantages of this change will be a reduction in final cost for the customer, more transparency and security when dealing with the various players of this ecosystem.

The book step by step

It’s almost like the book wrote itself: all I did was observe the 600 online travel consultants who work with me every day.
Those who have just discovered this new profession and “veterans” who started working more than 15 years ago.

The latter were my main source of inspiration: they are the symbol of change.
They rose to the challenge of selling holidays online from home when in 2000 in Italy, the web was only a novelty, unknown to most.

They had to adapt a thousand times to new ways of working in order to keep up with the changes in the marketing and advertising industry, to be able to take advantage of search engines and to stand out in social media thanks to their professionalism.

Continuous improvement, always moving forward without a goal because the final path is still in the making. Until the next innovative idea.

How can you deal with constant change? Becoming an integral part of it: innovating, revolutionising the industry to be always a reference and a qualified professional.
And this is precisely what Evolution Travel is doing, even today.

Structure and Topics

The book is divided into two parts: the first part is entirely dedicated to the role of the consultant.
The second one explains how the blockchain will be implemented and the functioning of the booking engine.

Here they are, Evolution Travel consultants!
Skilled people, knowledgeable about new technologies, active users of modern tools.
The future of tourist distribution in the blockchain is here!

To buy the book or the ebook click here

By Stefania Bochicchio






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